Author: aldo

  • Featured in Saatchi Art’s New of the Week



    I’m very pleased to let you know that my work “Encounters #2” has been chosen to be featured in the upcoming New This Week Collection on Saatchi Art’s homepage! You can preview the collection here: The feature will go live on Monday, February 26th, share this link with your family, friends, and any other contacts who…

  • Little Things Around the Studio

    Something interesting happened while painting yesterday, which probably happened many times but never really noticed. I usually place a piece of wood under my canvases to raise them a little so I can work on the bottom more easily, well so it happens that the colors I was using below went on that strip of…

  • Animate



    Back in 2022 I started exploring animations, I had tried it way before since I have a graphic design background, but this time I decided to create some art. I always liked using digital tools and still do. I mainly work with Photoshop and sometimes tinker with other ones, but this has been the one…

  • Abstracts

    What I paint depends on a particular event that happened to me or someone else or a dream I had or a simple object I saw, I believe at the end I create unconsciously if that’s even possible.

  • Positioning

    Sometimes a painting looks better upside down or sideways, at least that’s how I feel when something is not quite working. Turning it in all possible sides gives me a fresh look, maybe I could design a way to make that an option… 🤔

  • XYZ

    I’m always surprised by the shadows coming from windows, how it alters the paintings and how it adds more elements impossible to attain with paint.

  • Balance

    A close-up shot of one my latest series, a group of mid-size paintings depicting people in different situations.

  • Wheat is not Evil

    Wheat is not evil, processed food is. Unfortunately this ancient nutritious grain has gained an undeserved bad reputation thanks to industrialized food products since wheat is very flexible and can be grown widely. Did you know you can even eat the whole grain just like other cereals.

  • Shadows

    Every morning daylight coming from my studio’s window casts interesting shadows on my paintings creating a different version of them and when they move sometimes they feel like performance art.